You can't use MessageBox
in ASP.NET. You don't have any graphical user
interface, so there is nowhere that you can display the messagebox.
If you were allowed to use a messagebox in ASP.NET, it would pop up on
the web server where noone would see it, and IIS
would hang indefinitely
waiting for someone to click it.
Remember that this code is running on
the web server in a process that is not running as the currently logged on
(to the server) user. Therefore the process will be running under its own
Window Station, and will not be able to interact with the desktop in any way.
Consequently, you cannot display a MessageBox on the
server without setting the flags to indicate that you want to display it on the
currently logged in user's Window Station (effectively the
default desktop).
Typically, displaying message
boxes on servers is regarded as a very bad thing, as a lot of servers are
locked in computer rooms and there is no user to dismiss them. Therefore, are
you really sure that you want to do this, or would you really prefer to display
a message box on the browser (using client-side JavaScript)?
Here I
am showing another way to display the MsgBox in page.
shows an alert on page_load (or else).
No need to create an instance of the class.
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal
sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Me.Load
End Sub
Note that you won't need to 'format' special characters like \ and " etc..
Public Shared Sub Client_Alert_OnLoad(ByVal sMessage As String,
Optional ByVal sURL As
String = "")
On Error Resume Next
Dim str As String
Dim P As System.Web.UI.Page
= CType(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Handler,
Dim sb As New StringBuilder(Len(sMessage) * 5)
sMessage = sMessage.Replace(Chr(0),
For Each c As String In sMessage
: sb.Append("\x" & Right("0"
& Hex(Asc(c)), 2)) : Next
str = vbCrLf & "<script language=javascript>"
& vbCrLf
str = str & " alert('" & sb.ToString & "');" & vbCrLf
If Len(sURL) > 0
Then str = str & "
window.location='" & sURL & "';" & vbCrLf
str = str & "</script>" & vbCrLf
P.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(P.GetType, "", str)
End Sub
cmsgbox.Client_Confirm_OnButton(Me.Button1, Chr(34)
& "hello world \/-=" & Chr(34)
& vbCrLf & "ok to format c:?")
Public Shared Sub Client_Confirm_OnButton(ByRef oButton As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button, ByVal
sMessage As String)
On Error Resume Next
Dim str
As String
Dim sFunction
As String = ("msgbox_confirm_" & oButton.ClientID).Replace("$", "_")
Dim sb
As New StringBuilder(Len(sMessage)
* 5)
= sMessage.Replace(Chr(0),
For Each c As String In sMessage : sb.Append("\x"
& Right("0" & Hex(Asc(c)), 2)) :
= vbCrLf & "<script language=javascript>" & vbCrLf
= str & "" & vbCrLf
= str & "function " & sFunction & "()" & vbCrLf
str = str
& " if ( !window.confirm('"
& sb.ToString & "') ) {"
= str & " window.event.returnValue
= false;" & vbCrLf
= str & " return 0;" & vbCrLf
= str & " }" & vbCrLf
= str & "}" & vbCrLf
= str & "</script>" & vbCrLf
= "javascript:" & sFunction
& "();"
oButton.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(oButton.Page.GetType, sFunction, str)
End Sub
Joking aside!
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